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Lion's Heart Professional Counseling Network Application


We're thrilled to create a place where families touched by grief can connect with mental health professionals. Our goal with this application is to make sure your values and training are aligned with our mission, and also to gather information to help people connect with your services. 


We welcome mental health clinicians, occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychologists, and other alternative practitioners to apply.

Please fill out the form below (about 20 minutes). 
Responses will be vetted by members of the Lion's Heart board, made up of children's grief professionals.  If we determine you're a good fit for our network, we'll email you that you've been added to the list and your practice information will be included on our website.


Application Fee:

It's free to join!  However, if you'd like to contribute to help support the costs of the website, we'd welcome a $10 contribution.  Press the Give Butter link to make a donation.


Lion's Heart Professional Network Application

Professional role

Directory Information:

What settings do you work in?
What age groups are you well-versed in working with?
What types of services do you offer?
Payment Options

Alignment of Professional Values

Our goal is to create a regional conversation on children's grief in Spokane, WA and the surrounding areas. We don't see grief as a mental illness or a disorder that needs to be overcome as quickly as possible. Instead, we want to come alongside families at vulnerable times of their lives, and determine which types of therapy or parenting information that could help children to weather the storm of grief with more resilience. We believe that in order for children to cope with the loss of a loved one, they need:

  1. To know that the person died, and what death means in an age-appropriate way

  2. The freedom and encouragement to keep the person who died an open topic, in order to share memories and/or resolve traumas

  3. Grief education to validate the wide experience of grief (i.e., it's more than just sad.)

  4. Treatment for any traumatic aspect of the loss, so the child can mourn

  5. Support in finding ways to express their grief with others, be it verbally/socially, or through play or art.

Providers are only included on our directory if they share the above views on children's grief.
Yes, this is aligned with my views on children's grief
No, this is different from my views, and I understand I will not be included as a referral
Providers are only included on our directory if they commit to honoring our shared values of embracing, respecting, and honoring all individuals of every race, religion, gender, ethnicity,, and sexuality.
Yes, I share this value
No, this is not me. I understand I will not be included as a referral
Would you be interested in facilitating youth grief groups?
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